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Congratulations…. To Cirencester Round Table

Nothing to do with Soaring Worldwide or communications today, just some information about some people working very hard to support others…

Cirencester Round Table, of which I am a member, is a small group, who voluntarily give up their time to raise money for those people looking for support. We only donate to local causes, we prefer to see our donation used to purchase a tangible asset and we like that asset to be of benefit to more than one person.

For those that don’t know, Round Table is not a weird club with funny handshakes, it isn’t a cult and we don’t wear funny costumes (well not often). It is an international charitable organisation that makes a huge impact on the lives of many people – but we try our hardest to have some fun along the way.

In 2012/2013 we raised over £20,000 through various fundraising efforts, including a Christmas float, local sponsorship and Cirencester’s largest fireworks display. This money was used to:

  1. Fund a dinner for 120 senior citizens. In the dead of winter, smartly attired in Black Tie, we collected them from home, cooked up a feast, put on entertainment, ensured the wine, beer and sherry kept flowing and dropped them off safely.

  2. Fund the usage of a specially adapted bus so a group of local, disabled children could take a day trip to Westonbirt

  3. Fund the purchase and installation of a defibrillator unit in a local village hall – dramatically increasing the life expectancy of anyone suffering a heart attack

  4. Fund the renewal of fixtures and fittings in a local homeless shelter

  5. Fund the purchase of equipment for a local scheme to get unemployed individuals back into work

  6. The list goes on…

And all this was achieved whilst juggling busy lives, family and work commitments.

Of course it isn’t all hard work, we still had time to play a few games, enjoy each other’s company and drink the odd beverage!

As for me, I am incredibly pleased to have been asked to take on the Community Services role this year, which will see me liaising with the local charities, understanding their needs and seeking ways in which we can help them through both financial and physical aid.


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