Collecting your A-level results can be one of the most nerve-racking things you will ever do. What if you fail? What if your grades don’t match what the University expects? But if you’re expecting disappointing grades to ruin your life then give yourself a break – grades are not everything when it comes to becoming a success.
Working hard throughout your school years is important and you should always aim to do the best you can possibly do but a successful future was never governed by how well you did in exams. Aim for the strongest grades but, if you don’t get them, then consider it a new challenge. Some of the most successful businessmen in the world didn’t rely on grades to make a difference, so why should you?
Richard Branson is possibly the best example. At school he struggled with dyslexia and had a poor academic performance before dropping out at 16. Shortly after that big decision he started his first business which is known today as Virgin Group. Another example of a successful businessmen who didn’t rely on grades was Alan Sugar. He too dropped out at school at the age of 16, started to sell electronic goods out the back of a van and now he advises the government on business matters and is the star of that little-known TV show ‘The Apprentice’.
The whole subject of A-levels was a major topic of discussion in the Soaring Worldwide office yesterday and it was interesting to see that none of us had outstanding A-levels. More often than not it will be your character that determines how successful you are. If you are driven, work well with others and work hard then you have a pretty good shot at being successful at whatever you do. Life is a lesson and it will be how you deal with disappointments that will govern the path you make for yourself in life.
So hopefully you will have received the grades you wanted. Hopefully you will now be planning your next few years at your chosen University or perhaps another route into your chosen career. But if you haven’t got the grades you wanted and you’re worried about what comes next – just remember that your future is now in your hands to mould into whatever you want. Grades should not govern your success.