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H is for “Hospitality”

The success of an event venue ultimately depends on the degree of hospitality it offers. And I am not talking about the amount of booze, quality of hotel or face value of the tickets – instead I am talking about the human element… the

service levels and interaction from the hosts, speakers and organisers.

Hospitality is also about understanding your delegates. By focusing on their specific needs, traits and characteristics you can develop, experience and create content unique to that audience. This in turn increases the value to the attendees, makes them feel valued and important – which are desires that are vital to us all if Maslow’s need hierarchy is to be believed.

When it comes to communications though, hospitality goes far beyond just events and should be incorporated into every part of a business’ marketing mix.  Even internally, hospitality is important.  Staff want to feel valued so those extra touches at internal meetings – acknowledgement, a handshake, a thank you – can make all the difference.

We are by nature a social species, good hospitality brings us together and builds networks… and through such networks we can build successful businesses.


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