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Industry Knowledge Is Key

Exhibitions for the conference and meetings industry can often be awe-inspiring experiences but you can never stop learning from them.

Soaring Worldwide attends a wide variety of exhibitions each year, and in the past week this included flying to Barcelona for EIBTM. These exhibitions are a real opportunity to meet with peers, network and discover new business opportunities but they are also key to remaining fully updated on what’s happening in the industry and to discover the latest trends.

Because there are so many networking opportunities and experiences to be sought during a short time frame, it’s important to manage time correctly and use it efficiently. It can be easy to get wrapped up in exhibitions and lose track of time. The end results being you don’t get the most out of your time with the people you meet. Everyone is of value and, when done right, they can be a great place to do business.

Networking and meetings are important but the key thing to take out of all the shows is education. It’s critical we remain at the forefront of the industry due to our work with a host of well known venues and destinations. By participating in education sessions and meeting with people on the show floor we can gather intelligence to pass back to our clients and use throughout our day to day activity.

Every experience is different but by using your time wisely you can learn so much more. We’d like to hear about one of your most recent trade exhibition experiences – what was the most important thing you took away from it?


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