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MPI Foundation to reveal UK Economic Impact Study findings at The Meetings Show UK

The Meeting Professionals International (MPI) Foundation will release the UK Economic Impact Study (UKEIS) at 1150 on 10 July, 2013, during The Meetings Show UK at Olympia, London. The research will detail the gross economic value of the meeting industry in the UK for the first time, using internationally recognised methods.

The results will be announced followed by a forum of industry leaders. The forum will focus on the key findings of the data and their meaning and use to the industry. Panellists will include Paul Van Deventer, MPI president and chief executive officer, Jackie Mulligan of the International Centre for Research in Events, Tourism and Hospitality (ICRETH); Paul Kennedy, MBE, strategic business advisor for The Meetings Show UK and director and owner of Kennedy Integrated Solutions; and representatives from other key meeting industry organisations.

UKEIS investors, corporate and agency meeting planners, suppliers, industry associations and politicians will also be present.

The results of the UKEIS, which include the direct, indirect and induced impact of meetings, will provide the meeting industry with the tools it needs to demonstrate its value to the overall economy. The importance of the research is firmly established by the quality of the funding partners, who have come together from all sides of the industry to invest £161,000 in the research, delivery and communication of the results.

The UKEIS investigates actual spend and income as well as patterns and trends from across the UK. The results bring this data together to produce information and statistics that are accessible to all on both a national and regional level.

“The UKEIS is fundamental to demonstrating the importance of the meeting industry in the UK. It is a clear way to provide evidence to the government, business leaders and other sectors that this industry has strong economic value,” Van Deventer explained. “The MPI Foundation looks forward to sharing the results of the study during The Meetings Show UK. We believe the report will be critical in helping meeting professionals position the meeting industry in the wider economic debate and commercial landscape. And, as a result, it will boost the profession and secure enhanced political awareness and support for the meeting industry– similar to the other economic impact studies we’ve successfully led.” 

The MPI Foundation led the project, with research directed by Dr. ShiNa Li of ICRETH at Leeds Metropolitan University on behalf of the UK meeting industry.

Individuals wishing to attend the UKEIS launch and forum must register in advance for The Meetings Show UK via


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