Joining Soaring Worldwide was an exciting decision. It involved relocating from the hustle bustle of London to the less busy, but economically vibrant town of Swindon. In terms of career, it meant joining a smaller but fast growing company. I was looking forward to what seemed like a fresh start to life with the prospect of promising growth both in professional and personal terms.
The first week in any organisation is always a memorable one. It involves getting to know new people, adjusting to a new environment and an introduction to the company. Since, I was relocating to a new place, it also entailed discovering a town and familiarising myself with the transport system and all other necessary things that surround daily life.
The first day at Soaring Worldwide didn’t involve a corporate style induction involving long presentations. In fact, it involved a very personal guided tour of the office by the managing director Adam Baggs, a brief introduction to the company and the clients from the comfort of my desk, and a delicious welcome lunch in a nearby pub.
It set the tone of my new work place: the first few weeks to Christmas are a training period aimed at helping me become a part of the company’s new growth plans and help it achieve new heights. This will involve taking responsibilities and managing a variety of tasks.
In line with my expectations, I was set to write press releases, features, micro –blogs, blogs and articles for different clients. At every stage of my work during the first week, I received support and guidance from Adam, and I was immensely happy when one of the press releases I had written was sent out, and instantly received a positive response from the press.
I was also introduced to one of our clients Virtua in their office during the first week. It was a great experience and an opportunity to see Soaring’s work in action. It highly boosted my morale and made me realise the importance of the tasks we are undertaking.
In the office, the environment was friendly and, with our helpful office manager Beth around, work and fun co-exists to make the days delightful. Mark Twain famously said: “Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.” At Soaring Worldwide, I expect our collective passion for what we do will make the coming months full of fun as I set out on a new journey.
#PressReleases #PoweringReputations #CommunicationsAgency #EventAgency #ProductLaunch #SwindonPR #MarketingAgency #ScriptWriting #ManagingDirector #WiltshirePR #PublicRelations #Baggs #SecurityPR #NewBusiness #video #PressLaunch #ReputationManagement #EventPR #MediaRelations #B2BPR #CopyCreation #SocialMedia #Blogs #branding #TelecommsPR #Swindon