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My teapot is finally empty

Over the last eight months or so I have been seeing more and more about not just the benefits of being in the right mindset at work and in

meetings – but more specifically, how to achieve it.

From Kyoto’s research into meditation and Jon Bradshaw’s Meeting Mindset to my own use of hypnotherapy and explorations into inner peace, I am constantly astounded by the impact a few moments calm reflection can have on an otherwise busy day. I am writing this shortly after enjoying a lunchtime concert at the sublime LSO St Luke’s venue.  After a long night (our baby was not feeling well), a 5am start, several meetings and quite a lot of writing, I am amazed at just how rejuvenated an hour of classical music made me feel.  Whilst I have always enjoyed such music, I will freely admit to knowing almost nothing about it.  Yet I found the performance so powerful that it removed all other thoughts from my mind.  The result – much like Rev Matsuyama’s assertion that you cannot add more water to a full teapot – was a mind prepared for an afternoon of more work… and a body full of energy.

And to be honest I don’t think I was alone.  With more than 200 people present, surely someone else experienced something similar.  If nothing else, the slight smiles, relaxed postures and drooping eyelids suggested a room full of people who had taken a few minutes to get away from the office and blow away a few cobwebs.

Allowing anyone, particularly staff and team members the time to relax is vital to the success of a business.  So whatever else you do, schedule a little downtime into every single day, the increase in productivity will more than make up for the time away from the desk.



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